PT officers involved in the heavy fighting with the Tokyo Express during the Guadalcanal campaign. Back row, l-r: Lt. John M. Searles, Lt. Thomas E. Kendall, Lt. Charles E. Tilden. Front row, l-r: Lt. Robert L. Searles, Lt. Henry S. Taylor, Lt. Leonard A. Nikoloric.
The crew of PT 59, in transit aboard SS Robin Wently across the Pacific, October-November 1942. Chief Torpedoman's Mate Robert Nanney is in the back row, far left, next to him is Motor Machinist's Mate 1/c Homer Facto. In the front row, far right is the boat's captain, Ens. David M. Levy. (PT Boats, Inc.)
Left, Ens. Gene Atkinson; right, Ens. Leonard J. Thom aboard converted gunboat PT 60. (National Archives)
Above: Lt. Cmdr. Barry K. Atkins, Squadron Eight CO. (National Archives) Below, left photo: RM2/c Richard Ferchen, somewhere in Panama, summer 1942. Right photo: left, Ens. John D. Chester; right, Ens. Sidney D. Hix aboard PT 108, August-September 1942. (PT Boats, Inc.)
Squadron Six officers, February 1943. L-r: Lt. Clark W. Falkner, Ens. B.P. Percy, Ens. Alexander W. Wells, Ens. Bartholomew J. Connolly III. (PT Boats Inc.)